ask ana.

Network Marketer Game-Plan

I dunno about you.

I hate smootching my boss’s butt.

I hate taking orders from anybody.

I hate busting my ballz to meet someone else’s deadline.

I hate if I no “worky” I no get “checky”.

Screw that!

Not for me.

Here's MY jam....

I like it when I get "checky" even when I no "worky".

I love getting ASSETS (not me and my ass) to do the work.

I love building systems that work for me even when I'm asleep.

I love it when I can spend my time doing what I want, when I want.

You do too right? 

I mean, that’s why you became an network marketer.

You’re the boss.

You make the rules.

All you need to do is sell your offer effectively, and the rest will come.

You’ll grow yourself out of the hamster wheel, and pay others to do more and more as you scale out of the daily operations and viola…. Freedom at last!

All you need to do now is to create content, and manage your biz from the plane while you’re on the way to Bali

But then, reality hits you like a ton of bricks because guess what……. Scaling is difficult!

  • How do you treat every lead with the attention they deserve?

  • How do you see what’s working and what’s not working?

  • How do you actually live the life you project to the outside world without slowing down your biz?

The answer is…......




















Technology (You guessed it didn’t you?)

“But Taisha, I’m already using Manychat for automations, Flodesk for my emails, Clickfunnels for my funnels, Calendly to manage my appointments, Typeform to build forms, Trello to manage my pipelines, and Hootsuite to schedule my posts on all my socials. Oh and I use Zapier to integrate all of my platforms so they’re all speaking to one another, and Kajabi to host my online courses, and Hubspot Sales CRM…. I’m good thanks” (Takes a huge breath) 🥴

Well, if that works for you then all the power to you!

Thing is…….. you want to scale, remember?

You hate having to make changes in a million places every time you just want to try something new.

You hate having to manually manage your prospects through your pipeline, and you REALLY hate it when you find an inquiry you missed out on, and responded too late to.

Flying blind just isn't cutting it for you....

You don’t want to spend hours and hours jumping between platforms to manage conversations coming from every which way, and you certainly don’t want to spend time LOOKING for engagement opportunities on your socials or within your funnels…. 

You want them served up to you on a silver platter.

You want to sell more, you want to engage more, and you want to set up your own affiliates for success quickly so they can make you more of that sweet sweet commissions!

And hey, if you can make an extra buck selling the software YOU LOVE to others in your own network, why not? It'll benefit them too!


Wanna Put the game-plan to work?

Unparalleled time-flexibility, personal growth & peace of mind awaits

Now, let me give you a not-so-little game-plan to make that happen👇

  1. Ditch all the tech, and sign up to a single platform that does EVERYTHING!(It’s going to be cheaper, and it’s going to be better)

  2. Make sure you can easily transfer your existing collateral to the new platform. (You don’t want a major hassle in your life right now, right?)

  3. Make sure that the new platform you’re using allows you to scale by templatizing your entire digital framework, therefore allowing you to replicate your EVERYTHING. (share your framework with new affiliates in your community so they can spice it up with their own tweaks, and get to selling ASAP)

  4. Make sure that the new platform you’re using has all of the following features:

    • Integrated CRM System (the heart of any serious automation exercise. If you don’t have one, it’s time to make a change….seriously)

    • Pipeline Management tools (ditch Trello, and automate your pipeline opportunities as they move through your pipeline with the help of integrated automation features)

    • Engagement Opportunities Alerts (have automated alerts notify you of opportunities to delight and surprise your prospects across your social channels and within your sales pipelines)

    • Cross-channel Communications (make your life SO MUCH SIMPLER by managing ALL your messaging in one place. Emails, SMS, Whatsapp, IG + FB comments & DMs)

    • Feature-rich Automation Workflows (this combined with the CRM, Funnels & Websites and Cross-channel Communications are the CATALYSTS for explosive scaling)

    • Funnel & Website Builder (the backbone of your customer journey. Your funnel must be fully integrated with your CRM system to track and document, step-by-step, what users are doing and where they are doing it. This allows for the identification of opportunities for engagement with leads, and opportunities for improvement in your pipelines)

    • Social Planner (replace Hootsuite or Later with an integrated feature-rich planner that allows you to schedule posts across all major platforms with an AI sidekick by your side)

    • Integrated Calendars & Appointments (Calendly is great, but it’s better when you’ve got no limits, right?) 

    • Forms & Survey Builder (forget about Typeform & create fully customizable forms & surveys that seamlessly attach responses to contacts in the CRM)

    • Tracking Links (Want to know who clicks a link, where and when? Make sure you've got this in your toolbox)

    • OpenAI Integration (use AI to automate cross-channel outreach, and qualify prospects 24/7/365)

    • Email Marketing (make sure your platform's email marketing tools have automation features too. Importantly, if you've got automation built-into your emailing platform you can create customized messaging journeys for diverse prospect behaviours)

    • Membership Portal (offer courses? Make sure you can track everything your students do in the classroom. Make sure you create a easy onboarding process, and make sure they feel like you've built their portal just for them)

  5. Last but not least: Get someone who knows what they’re doing and are eager to set you up for success, to onboard you onto the new platform and build out a KILLER APPLICATION on there for your specific use-case:

    • Importantly: Make sure that their interests are fully aligned with yours, and that they are willing to put their skin in the game to help you succeed.

    • Make sure that you’re compensated for any sales of the software you’ll be making to your affiliates!

P.S. The "someone who knows what they're doing" is me & I am here to help!!! 😉

I know, it's daunting to take a leap of faith, I was scared too. But what is 30 minutes of your time if it could end up saving you several hours a day?

See you in the meet!! 🚀